========================================================================================= Salesforce Data Dictionary Creator Version 1.03 Copyright (c) 2023 All rights reserved. ========================================================================================= Aegis Softworks https://aegissoftworks.com support@aegissoftworks.com ========================================================================================= Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.11.17 .NET Framework Version 4.7.2 Visual C# 2019 ========================================================================================= EPPlus version 4.1 was used to create the Excel file without requiring the Micorosoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies. https://github.com/JanKallman/EPPlus EPPlus 4.1 is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0. The binaries used in this project are unmodified. EPPlus versions from 5.0 and onward are commercially licensed. You can find them here: https://www.epplussoftware.com/ ========================================================================================= Installation ========================================================================================= The only requirements are to have the .NET framework installed, and for the .exe and the .dll files to be present in the same folder. 1) Extract the files to a directory of your choosing. For example: C:\Program Files\SDDC\Salesforce Data Dictionary Creator.exe C:\Program Files\SDDC\EPPlus.dll C:\Program Files\SDDC\about.txt 2) Right-click the exe and choose the menu options: Send to > Desktop (create shortcut) ========================================================================================= Version History ========================================================================================= 1.03 (2023.02.07) - New page layouts tab, showing page layouts and their buttons, quick actions, fields, and related lists. - New column to indicate whether or not a field is used on a page layout. - Object categories expanded to indicate Custom Settings and Custom Metadata Types. - Object search now properly detects underscores. 1.02 (2023.01.26) - Added ability to download field Descriptions (not just the Help Text!) - Added ability to save multiple separate object sets in step 2. - Saving an object set now give you a count of saved/added/removed objects, and a list of removed objects. - Loading an object set now give you a count of loaded/missing objects, and a list of missing objects. - Object list (summary tab) now includes the 3-character prefix code for that object. - Fixed two minor UI bugs with Next button being enabled when it should not be. - Updated API version to v56.0. 1.01 (2023.01.10) - Merged Record Type and Picklist tabs for spreadsheet export. - Updated API version to v55. 1.00 (2021.05.27) - Public-ready release! - Updated API version to v49. 0.06 - Added tooltips to various UI elements. - Added a License Agreement - Snazzy program icon. 0.05 - Added user input validation for login page. - Added new setting "Condense Object Details into Single Tab" - Added exception handling for network connectivity issues. - Added data type handling for base64 and combobox. 0.04 - Added "Field Map" export style, for data migration and integration. - Added ability to save a selection of objects in step 2. - Added ability to type object names during step 2 for quick navigation. - Added software update check. 0.03 - Message log is now rich text, and contains functional hyperlinks. - Added settings menu filter for specific fields by name. - Added step 2 filter for Standard, Custom, Managed, Knowledge, and Special fields. - Added audio cues for various program events. 0.02 - Added various program settings in the Settings menu. - Step 2 now allows multiple object selection with shift- and control- clicks. - Step 2 now allows multiple objects to be checked / unchecked with the space bar. 0.01 - A new project is born! - Settings xml file in roaming directory. - Credentials management and encryption. - Login to Salesforce. - Object selection. - Column selection. - Preview window. - Export to Excel.